Recently I got hold of a free sample of Cay Horstmann’s upcoming Scala book, “Scala for the Impatient” and so far I have been fairly impressed with the quality of the content. Book is not finished yet and the first few chapters only cover the basics, so no new earth shattering discoveries as far as knowledge of Scala is concerned however a few things are already making this book stand out compare to other Scala books. Chapters are small, compact and to the point and breadth and depth of the topics covered are absolutely ideal for someone just starting Scala. My favorite part of the book so far is exercise section at the end of every chapter. This alone has made the book a lot more engaging as author not only want the readers to understand the topics covered but also expect the readers to demonstrate their new found knowledge by solving problems at the end of the chapter. I am thinking of using this book to introduce Scala at work as it is ideal to be used in group study sessions.
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